BDIA Statute

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Article 4. The basic objectives of BDIA are as follows:

  1. To develop and serve as a lawful forum for exchange of concepts between the state authorities and the industry with the purpose to resolve the issues related to the defense industry and the defense and security of R. of Bulgaria aiming to achieve a sustainable development in the branch.
  2. Establishing contacts, exchange of information and discussion among the members on the issues of the defense industry policy and participation in its implementation.
  3. To act as a “unified voice” of the Bulgarian defense industry on the issues of the government modernization policy, the defense industry policy, offset policy, procurement policy and procedures for the national defense and security, research and technological development.
  4. To keep the members informed about the developmenalt trends of the NATO and EU member countries as well as of other leading nations in the field of defense industry.
  5. To form a favorable environment for development of micro-, small and medium enterprises which supply products and services with military or possible double use.
  6. To form chains of suppliers.

Instruments for Achieving the Objectives

Article 5. To implement the objectives defined in Art. 4 BDIA will employ the following instruments:

  1. Maintaining regular relations with the state bodies, the bodies of NATO and EU and the member countries bearing responsibilities in the field of defense industry and technologies.
  2. Establishing contacts and interaction with similar associations in Bulgaria and abroad.
  3. Gathering and distribution of information concerning the governmental procurement policy and procedures in the fields of defense & security, science research and technological development.
  4. Support for activities of the National Assembly, Governmental and other bodies in the field of defense & security in the interest of development of Bulgarian defense industry.
  5. Organization of national and international meetings and conferences aimed to implementation of the objectives defined.
  6. Distribution of information abroad for the activities of BDIA and the possibilities of our member companies.
  7. Forming program directions in functional areas.

Definition of the Activities Impelemented

Article 6. The Association will implement activities in private benefit.

Subject of Activity

Article 7. In order to achieve the objectives defined in Art. 4, BDIA will implement the following subject of activity:

  1. Gathering and distribution of information related to the defense industry and to substantial issues of the national policy in the field of defense and security.
  2. Searching for, preparation and proposing specific solutions for the development of the national defense industry.
  3. Expression the attitude of the companies from the national defense industry and that of organizations related.
  4. Giving publicity and initiation of public debate on the issues of the Bulgarian defense industry and its integration in the defense and industrial base of NATO and EU.
  5. Implementation of researches and investigations, including through participation in international programs in that field.
  6. Organization and implementation of national and international meetings, seminars, conferences and exhibitions on the issues of the development of defense industry.
  7. Organization the presentation of the Bulgarian Defense industry on seminars, conferences, symposiums and exhibitions abroad.
  8. Supporting a web-site.
  9. Publication of printed and on-line information bulletin.
  10. Publication of quarterly bulletin “Defense Industry and Technologies” in English and Bulgarian.
  11. Collaboration with governmental and non-profit organizations working upon similar issues.
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